I'm thrilled to be attending the upcoming EdCampNYC. Ever since EdCamp Philly and NTCamp I can honestly say the EdCamp movement hasn't been far from my mind. As a pre-service teacher, I see my involvement in this community as one of the things that will help me to have a long and fulfilling career as a teacher.
Over the summer, I was taking one of my required graduate courses on current research in curriculum and instruction. One of the texts we used was "How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School" which very conveniently is available in a full text version online at http://www.nap.edu/.
Chapter 8 is called "Teacher Learning." I was only 2 pages into this chapter when EdCamp popped into my head as a perfect example to consider as I was reading the section called "Quality of Learning Opportunities" which starts on page 180.
It's well know that the quality of professional development opportunities for teachers varies. So what makes a good quality learning opportunity? I'm going to outline what this books describes and share my analysis of EdCamp.
Learner-Centered Environments - Learner-centered environments "attempt to build on the strengths, interests, and needs of the learners." (pg 180)
EdCamp is Learner-Centered because the sessions come organically out of the strengths and interests of the attendees. Additionally, when choosing to attend a particular session, attendees can follow their interests and/or needs at a given time. If they find they are in session that is not meeting their needs for whatever reason, they are encouraged to "vote with their feet" and find something that is a better fit.
Knowledge-Centered Environments - A knowledge-centered environment ideally focuses on pedagogical content knowledge and knowledge that is supported by research about learning (pg 182)
Thus far, I think that EdCamp does generally offer a handful of knowledge-centered sessions as opposed to just sessions on generic pedagogy. I've attended sessions on very specific topics such as tools that I can use to help special education students, ways of incorporating engaging literature into content courses (www.greatbooks.com), and a different way to talk through concepts in a science based course. As far as sessions being supported by research in learning, I think that each of us is conducting research on some level as we interact with students and the material on a daily basis. We know what's working for us and what isn't working for us. Some of us also conduct formalized research as part of our thesis or for publication in journals. There are also sessions geared towards general pedagogical concepts, but with such a diverse group of attendees I think this is necessary. Perhaps someday there will be such thinks as SciCamp, SPEDCamp, MathCamp to supplement our EdCamp movement. I'm sure if that day comes, we'll be able to convince @cybraryman to add a resource page for us to reference.
Community-Cenetered Environments "involve norms that encourage collaboration and learning." (page 185)
As far as EdCamp meeting that criteria, the 3 words that come to mind are "My Twitter PLN." Prior to EdCamp Philly, I had a Twitter handle but hadn't really considered using it. Now, I'm proselytizing Twitter for professional development in the supermarket to a man stocking produce. Seriously, that happened to me on Tuesday night. I think I actually told him "It's the best thing that's happened to me." Although that might be slightly exaggerated, getting involved in the Twitter education community definitely ranks up there in my short list of greatest things that have happened in my life to date.
Last but not least, Assessment-Centered Environments "provide opportunities for learners to test their understanding by trying out things and receiving feedback." (page 184)
In my opinion, this is the area in which EdCamp has the greatest room for improvement. I may leave a session committed to "trying that out" in my classroom along with 10 other educators who were in the room, and may not talk to them about it again unless they happen to read my blog and comment on it. What if there were intentional ways for session attendees to stay connected? The purpose could be specifically sharing stories and receiving feedback about the things they learned at the session and how their practice has changed as a result. One idea I had today was for "#edcampchat". This was an idea that came to me during my walk today and is not well formulated, so bear with me. In this Twitter based chat, a calendar could be used to block off time for attendees of a particular EdCampX session to gather and talk about how things are going for them since their session. I say EdCampX because this could be a hashtag used by all EdCamps around the US (the World even?). Additionally, there's no reason that folks who attended #EdCampNYC couldn't decide to sign-in for a edcampchat session regarding an #EdCampCitrus topic. This hashtag could be used several times throughout the day and throughout the week for different conversations. A sign-calendar would ensure no overlap and would allow folks to see what chats are upcoming and plan accordingly.
Perhaps some of you will have other ideas too on how we could make Edcamp more Assessment-Centered. Please share your thoughts in the comments, your blogs, your tweets, whatever!
Thanks for reading and hope to see you soon at an #Edcamp near you!
According to dictionary.com, become means "to come, change, or grow to be." This is my story about becoming a physics teacher. On this journey, I fully expect to change and grow. Please join me on this adventure.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Reflecting on Fear
For some time now, I've had thoughts spinning around in my head that I knew would be appropriately shared in this blog. For some reason though, reflecting on the fear I'm feeling at the moment in such a public forum is a scary though (hmmmm.... I wonder why?). At the same time, I have this sense that I am on the brink of some significant personal and professional growth. Transforming this potential energy I feel into something kinetic is going to take some help and guidance from folks who have been on this journey before me. I'm hoping that as a result of this post, I may learn some things from you which will help me work through my fears and arrive mostly intact on the other side.
My decision to pursue teaching, which I made in February 2010, had two major components: 1) Childhood dream to teach which I realized I needed to explore in order to true to myself 2) Dissatisfaction with the career path I'm presently on in Quality Assurance for aerospace and defense related applications.
Prior to taking any classes towards my licensure, I was picturing myself as a successful teacher in front of the classroom with my students in desks neatly arranged into rows. This is the learning model that I grew up in and so, it is what I pictured my life as a future teacher would be.
Now, I'm completely enthralled with the notion of teacher as facilitator in an inquiry driven classroom. I want to engage my students in the 5E/7E learning model and am really hoping to learn more about Standards Based Grading (SBG) with the hopes of utilizing it in the future. I am facing the unknown as far as my own personal experiences are concerned, and frankly I'm a bit terrified at times.
In Carol Ann Tomlinson's book "How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms" I found myself identifying with her description of the needs of advanced learners (pages 11 - 12). I have become focused on grades/test scores as an indiction of my success more so than my understanding of material. I am a perfectionist who often won't start things for fear of failure or will abandon a project mid-way if something has gone awry. I also tend to avoid things I think I'm not already good at. I don't have a sense of self-efficacy. Feeling like an imposter has been a theme for me in basically every job I've held since graduating from college with my BS in Physics.
All of these items are leading me to feel a bit paralyzed right now as I wrestle with the realities of teacher I want to become. A classroom based on inquiry and exploration, where failures are just as important as successes if not more so, where grades are a reflection of what you truly know, is a classroom that I would struggle in if I were dropped into it today. I want to create a classroom which goes against all of the things I've clung tightly to for most of my young adult and adult life and because I know that it is the right thing for me to do for my students (and myself), I'm scared. I need to do this. It's not an option. I must face my fears and work through them in order to become the teacher I want to and feel I am called to be.
In an article called "A Smoother Acceleration" by Christine Chapman in March 2009 "The Science Teacher", I recently read about "the three dimensions of motivaton and and attitude that comprise students' self-concepts, or perceptions of their own academic abilities." (pg 43) They are "self-efficacy, interest, and membership." I mentioned above that my self-efficacy is lacking at the present time. My interest in this path I'm on is quite high. I'm exploring things outside my courses that have me engaged in the teaching profession such as EdCamp, NTCamp, EduCon, and various teachers' blogs to name a few. Membership refers to the sense of community I feel. Ever since EdCamp Philly, I've been exploring the education community in Twitter and although my Twitter and face 2 face interactions with you have been limited thus far, the sense of community I feel is still amazing. This is evidenced for me by the fact that I'm writing this right now with the intention of sharing it with you and trusting that I may find some of the support I need to work through what I'm struggling with.
How do I work on my self-efficacy then in the education context? I'm hopeful that my experience student teaching this coming Spring (hopefully in an inquiry environment) will result in tremendous growth and a confidence in my abilities to grow as a teacher. I know that I will have many struggles and challenges but I also know that I will need to journey through them in order to continue along this path. Hopefully I will have many successes during that time as well. I'm not really sure of other work I can be doing right now though to head in the right direction other than to stay on this path.
If you have resources or suggestions that you feel may be helpful, please pass them along. I'm committed to this journey I'm on and am grateful for anyone who lends me a hand along the way.
My decision to pursue teaching, which I made in February 2010, had two major components: 1) Childhood dream to teach which I realized I needed to explore in order to true to myself 2) Dissatisfaction with the career path I'm presently on in Quality Assurance for aerospace and defense related applications.
Prior to taking any classes towards my licensure, I was picturing myself as a successful teacher in front of the classroom with my students in desks neatly arranged into rows. This is the learning model that I grew up in and so, it is what I pictured my life as a future teacher would be.
Now, I'm completely enthralled with the notion of teacher as facilitator in an inquiry driven classroom. I want to engage my students in the 5E/7E learning model and am really hoping to learn more about Standards Based Grading (SBG) with the hopes of utilizing it in the future. I am facing the unknown as far as my own personal experiences are concerned, and frankly I'm a bit terrified at times.
In Carol Ann Tomlinson's book "How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms" I found myself identifying with her description of the needs of advanced learners (pages 11 - 12). I have become focused on grades/test scores as an indiction of my success more so than my understanding of material. I am a perfectionist who often won't start things for fear of failure or will abandon a project mid-way if something has gone awry. I also tend to avoid things I think I'm not already good at. I don't have a sense of self-efficacy. Feeling like an imposter has been a theme for me in basically every job I've held since graduating from college with my BS in Physics.
All of these items are leading me to feel a bit paralyzed right now as I wrestle with the realities of teacher I want to become. A classroom based on inquiry and exploration, where failures are just as important as successes if not more so, where grades are a reflection of what you truly know, is a classroom that I would struggle in if I were dropped into it today. I want to create a classroom which goes against all of the things I've clung tightly to for most of my young adult and adult life and because I know that it is the right thing for me to do for my students (and myself), I'm scared. I need to do this. It's not an option. I must face my fears and work through them in order to become the teacher I want to and feel I am called to be.
In an article called "A Smoother Acceleration" by Christine Chapman in March 2009 "The Science Teacher", I recently read about "the three dimensions of motivaton and and attitude that comprise students' self-concepts, or perceptions of their own academic abilities." (pg 43) They are "self-efficacy, interest, and membership." I mentioned above that my self-efficacy is lacking at the present time. My interest in this path I'm on is quite high. I'm exploring things outside my courses that have me engaged in the teaching profession such as EdCamp, NTCamp, EduCon, and various teachers' blogs to name a few. Membership refers to the sense of community I feel. Ever since EdCamp Philly, I've been exploring the education community in Twitter and although my Twitter and face 2 face interactions with you have been limited thus far, the sense of community I feel is still amazing. This is evidenced for me by the fact that I'm writing this right now with the intention of sharing it with you and trusting that I may find some of the support I need to work through what I'm struggling with.
How do I work on my self-efficacy then in the education context? I'm hopeful that my experience student teaching this coming Spring (hopefully in an inquiry environment) will result in tremendous growth and a confidence in my abilities to grow as a teacher. I know that I will have many struggles and challenges but I also know that I will need to journey through them in order to continue along this path. Hopefully I will have many successes during that time as well. I'm not really sure of other work I can be doing right now though to head in the right direction other than to stay on this path.
If you have resources or suggestions that you feel may be helpful, please pass them along. I'm committed to this journey I'm on and am grateful for anyone who lends me a hand along the way.
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